
"didn't mean to ruin your night."

this will never work.
why did we even start.
now I feel like I don't want you around.
I wish I just kept saying 'No'

  • because if I had I wouldn't be dealing with this.
  • because if I had I wouldn't be so sick and tired of you.
  • because if I had--maybe, just maybe--things would have fallen into place differently.
but I did say 'Yes'
and now things are damaged beyond return.

and I just don't believe they will ever be fixed.
and the more I think about it, the more I wonder if I even want it fixed.
because you keep rearing your ugly head to show that
"you're a man." and its irking my nerves. really.
because if that's how you determine that you're a man

maybe you weren't up to par anyway.

or maybe this whole thing is "just a phase"
and I'm overreacting, but now I just don't care.

because you're looking more like Mr. Mills everyday
and I know what he's like...and I know I don't want that.
because he wasn't a man.

looks like you won't be either.

1 teardrops:

  1. AndallthatSpaz says

    Agreed. trusttrusttrusttrusttrust me: it's always better to go with how you felt the FIRST TIME.
    Backing out only akes it messy.