Leave It All Behind...

Is it possible to have a second chance at something that you thought was out of reach at the beginning. I've begun to think about a lot of things that I've never considered before. I was always the chick that, once out of a relationship, I would tend to dwell on it--if not publicly, at least in my quiet time--but now I have learned of the beauty of letting it all go.

It's crazy how doors open--anyway, I wrote a poem, I'm "performing" it on this video and a copy of it written out is at the bottom...leave love, criticism, hate--whatever...just know it isn't the finished product.

It's amazing how things happen at whatever time they happen. It's crazy the people you will find yourself surrounded by at any given time...and right now I'm surrounded by some amazing people and I can't help but let my mind wander occasionally to what the future has in store for me. It's crazy how my mind plays out these lil stories of what could be...it's too much to handle sometimes to see your smile--because it makes my heart kinda quiver. It's scary too, because I know I'm not ready for anything like this. I know that mentally I think I can do this and physically I know I can do this..but I'm not sure that my emotional side is quite up to what you're offering me. So I'll keep my distance until my heart and my head are ready for a plunge like that, because right now--my confidence ain't where it needs to be to dive head first into the deep end in the pool of your eyes...so I choose instead to tread water and when I think I'm in too deep I steadily try to work my way to the shallow end where all the kiddies are dashing my eyes left and right to avoid the inevitable connection that we share...to be cont.

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